How much vape juice can my vape device hold?

How much vape juice can my vape device hold?

Dear valued reader,

If you're wondering how much vape juice your device can hold, you've come to the right place. The amount of vape juice a device can hold varies depending on the type of device you have. In this article, I'll be discussing the different types of devices and their vape juice capacity.

Vape Pens

Vape pens are the most common type of device used by vapers. They are small, portable, and easy to use. The vape juice capacity of a vape pen varies from device to device, but most can hold between 1.5ml to 3ml of e-liquid. This is enough to last most vapers a day or two, depending on how often they vape.

Vape Tanks

Vape tanks are larger than vape pens and can hold more vape juice. The capacity of a vape tank can range from 2ml to 8ml or more. The larger the tank, the more vape juice it can hold. If you're a heavy vaper, a tank with a larger capacity is ideal as it will last longer before needing to be refilled.


Vaporizers are the largest type of device and can hold the most vape juice. The vape juice capacity of a vaporizer can range from 10ml to 30ml or more. This is ideal for heavy vapers who don't want to refill their device often. However, it's important to note that vaporizers are not as portable as vape pens or tanks, so they are not ideal for vapers who are always on the go.


E-cigs are similar to vape pens in size and shape, but they have a smaller vape juice capacity. Most e-cigs can hold between 1ml to 2ml of e-liquid. This is enough to last most vapers a few hours, depending on how often they vape.

It's important to note that while devices have a maximum vape juice hold, it's not recommended to fill your device to the brim. Overfilling your device can cause leaks and other issues. It's best to fill your device to the recommended level, which is usually marked on the device or in the user manual.

In conclusion, the vape juice capacity of your device depends on the type of device you have. Vape pens and e-cigs have a smaller capacity, while vape tanks and vaporizers can hold more vape juice. It's important to not overfill your device and to follow the recommended guidelines for your specific device. Happy vaping!

Best regards,

Jack Vapor

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